the well of providence is deep ... it is the buckets we bring to it that are small ... Mary Webb

Friday, February 26, 2010

i am going to write a novel

I am going to write a novel.

It will probably take me ten years to write it.

I'm being dramatic, both because I'm mainly a dramatic person and because I know nearly nothing about writing novels.

So I will just have to teach myself.

I have started researching this, and of course, there is a lot to learn on the internet about writing. I found one site that suggests The Snowflake Method to outline my novel. Apparently outlining a novel is key, though there seems to be a fair amount of folks who just sit down and write. I have tried just sitting down and writing and I often get lost, so I am going to try The Snowflake Method, designed by Randy Ingermanson, who calls himself, "The Snowflake Guy."

I think this is funny for some reason.  Maybe I am just giddy at the idea of committing to this process.

I am going to write a novel, really.

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