the well of providence is deep ... it is the buckets we bring to it that are small ... Mary Webb

Monday, February 1, 2010

making my first submission

I made my first submission today.

I pushed "send", got up out of my chair, went into my bedroom, looked at myself in a full length mirror, head to toe, and laughed ... deep belly laughter. It was the best feeling.

"1200 hundred words, baby, and it only took you a year to finish!" I said with a smile on my face and with total acceptance.

If you ever wonder how many words a writer really writes, here you go. 1200 words - 12 months - 100 words a month - 25 words a week - 3 or 4 words a day.

Of course, 12 months to FINISH a 1200 word essay doesn't really translate to "I only wrote 3 or 4 words a day for a year."

But some days it is the best I can do, and I am learning, sloooooowly, that writing is not about numbers but whether the hand ever picked up the pen or the fingers touched the keyboard.

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