the well of providence is deep ... it is the buckets we bring to it that are small ... Mary Webb

Friday, June 22, 2012

picking up my pen again!

One thing about a blog, or a goal, or a promise is that you can always start again.


Well, I am counting on it.  I believe that even two years later, I can still pick up my pen again and that this time, I might just stick with it.

It's not that I haven't been writing all along.  I've taken a few writing courses, and I've written brochures and newsletters and grants and websites for a nonprofit organization I direct.

I have written MANY stories in my head, but everyone says that's not really writing.

I am not so sure ...

If it were not for the writing that goes on in my head, I would never find my way back here ... to the white screen or page.  One thing I have come to believe is that a writer truly does write because of an inner drive.  We are beckoned, compelled and thank goodness, LOVED back to our writer selves by a force unseen but nevertheless steady in its summons.

It is why I am here again today.  Why I am going to try something new, at least for me.

Rather than start several blogs as I did before, I am going to write here exclusively.  Look to the labels, please, and see if an area in which I am blogging interests you.

The point is to pick up my pen again, yes?

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